The BioGas

The The RM Tulpule Charitable Trust initiated the funding for the BioGas Project in October 2021 for the purpose of demonstrating and evaluating the benefits of clean conversion of kitchen waste and Cow Dung into cooking gas (LPG) for typical rural households.
The project has been successfully operating for the past 6 months near the JPP school premises in the Osmanabad district eliminating the need for 2 LPG cylinders per month in a kitchen, at a saving of Rs. 2000/-. As seen in the picture below, the large outdoor tank can be easily loaded with kitchen waste and Cow Dung and closed tightly thereby eliminating the inconvenience of bugs and foul smell.
The project is scalable to larger farms depending on the availability of waste and need for LPG. Additional information about the project can be found at (BioGas background information.doc)